Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation in APTA Economies

Note that average scores are based on available data and the composition of participating states may change over time. To learn more about APTA please navigate to this external website.

2023 Average trade facilitation score of 74.65%
Transparency: 91.43%; Formalities: 83.93%; Institutional Arrangement and Cooperation: 76.19%; Paperless Trade: 74.07%; Cross-Border Paperless Trade: 48.41%.

2021 Average trade facilitation score of 72.96%
Transparency: 90.48%; Formalities: 82.74%; Institutional Arrangement and Cooperation: 74.6%; Paperless Trade: 71.43%; Cross-Border Paperless Trade: 46.83%.

2019 Average trade facilitation score of 65.9%
Transparency: 82.86%; Formalities: 77.38%; Institutional Arrangement and Cooperation: 65.08%; Paperless Trade: 61.9%; Cross-Border Paperless Trade: 42.86%.

2017 Average trade facilitation score of 59.14%
Transparency: 77.14%; Formalities: 69.05%; Institutional Arrangement and Cooperation: 61.9%; Paperless Trade: 57.14%; Cross-Border Paperless Trade: 32.54%.

2015 Average trade facilitation score of 54.99%
Transparency: 71.43%; Formalities: 63.1%; Institutional Arrangement and Cooperation: 57.14%; Paperless Trade: 55.56%; Cross-Border Paperless Trade: 28.57%.

Select Trade Facilitation Indicators:

Implementation of Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation Measures in APTA participating states









Publication of existing import-export regulations on the internet F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I.
Stakeholders` consultation on new draft regulations (prior to their finalization) F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I.
Advance publication/notification of new trade-related regulations before their implementation* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.S.
Advance ruling on tariff classification and origin of imported goods* F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I.
Independent appeal mechanism P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. F.I.


Risk management P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.
Pre-arrival processing F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I.
Post-clearance audits* F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.
Separation of Release from final determination of customs duties, taxes, fees and charges F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.
Establishment and publication of average release times F.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. F.I.
TF measures for authorized operators* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. P.I.
Expedited shipments P.S. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. F.I.
Acceptance of copies of original supporting documents required for import, export or transit formalities* F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. P.I.

Institutional Arrangement and Cooperation

National Trade Facilitation Committee or similar body* F.I. P.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I.
National legislative framework and/or institutional arrangements for border agencies cooperation* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.
Government agencies delegating border controls to Customs authorities* P.S. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. N.I. P.S.
Alignment of working days and hours with neighbouring countries at border crossings F.I. F.I. P.I. N.I. F.I. P.I. N/A
Alignment of formalities and procedures with neighbouring countries at border crossings P.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. N/A

Paperless Trade

Automated Customs System* F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. F.I.
Internet connection available to Customs and other trade control agencies* F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. F.I.
Electronic Single Window System P.S. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.S. N.I. P.S.
Electronic submission of Customs declarations P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. F.I.
Electronic application and issuance of import and export permit* F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. P.I.
Electronic Submission of Sea Cargo Manifests P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. N/A N/A F.I.
Electronic Submission of Air Cargo Manifests P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. P.S.
Electronic application and issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin N.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. N.I. N.I.
E-Payment of Customs Duties and Fees P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. F.I.
Electronic Application for Customs Refunds N.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. N.I. N.I.

Cross-Border Paperless Trade

Laws and regulations for electronic transactions P.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. P.I.
Recognised certification authority P.S. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.S. N.I. P.I.
Electronic exchange of Customs Declaration* P.S. P.I. P.S. P.I. P.S. P.S. N.I.
Electronic exchange of Certificate of Origin N.I. P.I. P.S. P.I. P.I. N.I. N.I.
Electronic exchange of Sanitary & Phyto-Sanitary Certificate N.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. P.S. N.I. P.I.
Paperless collection of payment from a documentary letter of credit* P.S. P.I. P.I. F.I. N.I. P.S. N.I.

Transit Facilitation

Transit facilitation agreement(s)* P.I. P.I. F.I. N.I. P.I. P.I. N/A
Limit the physical inspections of transit goods and use risk assessment* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. N/A
Supporting pre-arrival processing for transit facilitation P.I. P.I. P.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. N/A
Cooperation between agencies of countries involved in transit F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. F.I. N/A

Trade Facilitation for SMEs

Trade-related information measures for SMEs* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. P.I.
SMEs in AEO scheme* N.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. N.I. N.I. N.I.
SMEs access Single Window* N.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. N.I. N.I. N.I.
SMEs in National Trade Facilitation Committee* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. N.I. P.I. P.I.
Other special measures for SMEs N.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. N.I. P.I. P.I.

Agricultural Trade Facilitation

Testing and laboratory facilities available to meet SPS of main trading partners* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. N.I. P.I. P.I.
National standards and accreditation bodies to facilitate compliance with SPS* P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. N.I. P.I. P.I.
Electronic application and issuance of SPS certificates* P.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. N.I. P.S. P.S.
Special treatment for perishable goods P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.

Women in Trade Facilitation

TF policy/strategy to increase women’s participation in trade* P.I. N.I. P.I. P.S. P.I. P.I. N.I.
TF measures to benefit women involved in trade* P.I. N.I. F.I. P.S. P.I. P.I. N.I.
Women membership in the National Trade Facilitation Committee or similar bodies* P.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.

Trade Finance Facilitation

Single window facilitates traders access to finance* P.S. P.I. P.I. F.I. D.K. N.I. D.K.
Authorities engaged in blockchain-based supply chain project covering trade finance* N.I. P.I. P.I. P.S. N.I. N.I. N.I.
Variety of trade finance services available P.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. P.S.

Trade Facilitation in Times of Crisis

Agency in place to manage TF in times of crises and emergencies N.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.
Online publication of emergency TF measures P.I. F.I. F.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.
Coordination between countries on emergency TF measures F.I. F.I. P.I. F.I. P.I. P.S. P.I.
Additional trade facilitation measures to facilitate trade in times of emergencies P.I. P.I. F.I. F.I. P.S. P.I. P.I.
Plan in place to facilitate trade during future crises P.I. P.I. F.I. P.I. P.I. P.I. P.I.

Trade Facilitation for E-Commerce

TF measures for cross-border e-commerce* P.S. P.S. P.I. P.S. D.K. P.S. N.I.

Trade Facilitation and Wildlife Protection

Electronic application, issuance and exchange of eCITES* N.I. D.K. N.I. P.S. N.I. D.K. P.I.
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