15 September2023
Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation: Global Report 2023
This report presents the results of the fifth UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation. It brings together information from countries worldwide pertaining to the implementation of a wide range of trade facilitation measures, going beyond the scope of measures included in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA). The report endeavours to foster a forward-looking approach to trade facilitation for countries and development partners, facilitating a deeper comprehension and monitoring of progress, supporting evidence-based public policies, sharing good practices, and identifying emerging needs for capacity-building and technical assistance.
Other reports will be added as they are published. International and (sub)regional intergovernmental organizations interested to produce a tailored joint report on the basis of the survey results are invited to contact the secretariat for consideration. The survey results for 2023 were launched on 5 July 2023 and presentations are available on the launch event page (see also, press release).