untfsurvey.org is a joint initiative of the UN regional commissions and UNCTAD
To help economies benchmark and reduce the time and cost of trading across border, the UN Regional Commissions and UNCTAD jointly conduct the UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation. The Survey currently covers over 160 economies around the globe, and 60 digital and sustainable trade facilitation measures. The forward looking set of measures include those featured in the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), as well as in emerging regional and global initiatives on paperless trade or e-trade, such as the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-Border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific (CPTA). It also includes measures designed to ensure more inclusive participation in trade, such as measures specifically targeted at SMEs or women traders. The Survey leads to the production of a Global Report and Regional Reports, which aim at providing insightful information for policy makers to harness trade as a key means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Survey is conducted in collaboration with a growing number of global and regional partners, since 2015 and every two years. On this website you can visualize the results - please make a selection:

Visualize Global Results
Get an overview of global survey results on chart or map, with the option to narrow down on specific regions.

Visualize Regional Results
Select a geographic region / regional UN Commission and display regional & sub-regional results.

Visualize Economy Results
Select any economy of interest and get a detailed overview of trade facilitation & paperless trade implementation.

Compare Economies
Compare a selection of economies on implementation of trade facilitation & paperless trade measures.

Compare Measure Implementation
Get an insight into most and least implemented measures within a selection of economies of interest.

Download the Report
Download the global and regional UN Global Survey reports, as well as individual economy briefs.